Arash Goharbin
It is my privilege to have been born in a family of art and craft enthusiasts. I can say that art is my passion and a dominant part of my life. Every time I design jewelry, it gives me an indescribable feeling of joy. In fact, to me, designing jewelry is the best pleasure in the world.
I believe that designing and manufacturing a piece of jewelry is precisely like constructing a building. That is to say, when creating a piece of jewelry, one has to care about every aspect to make the product look appealing, durable, and well-designed to the users. If any of these aspects are overlooked, the end product will lack quality and durability, just like a building constructed by an inexperienced engineer. Jewelry made without due care and expertise will lack quality and will look mediocre in the eyes of the potential customers.
Just like my father and grandfathers, I started to learn the art of jewelry making from my father in my childhood. After I finished my education, I spent almost all my time learning about the new techniques of this craft outside of Iran. Later, I decided to equip my knowledge with state-of-the-art tools and machinery so that I could manage to have the best designs and products.
I sincerely wish that all Iranians, regardless of their financial status and taste for fashion, could own a piece of Goharbin’s products. If this dream came true, it would give me the utmost pleasure and satisfaction, just like the feeling I gain from seeing people wearing jewelry made by my ancestors years go. These feelings of joy and honor encourage me to build upon their success and pursue their excellence in the jewelry industry.

Farbod Goharbin
We will make Goharbin a global brand.
Since my childhood, I have been learning about designing and crafting jewels from my father, who was, as a matter of fact, a strict and severe instructor and taught me a lot. Later, by completing my training abroad, together with my family, we managed to gain the satisfaction of our customers by manufacturing high-quality products at reasonable prices.
A piece of gold or jewel, worn as an adornment, not only pleases the eyes of the owner but also can be saving for them. Therefore, it is important that sold jewelry and gold products can be cashable in times of financial need. Nevertheless, I can daresay that almost nowhere in the world items of jewelry and goldsmithery are sold under exchange and refund guarantees because businesses gain a huge profit in selling them. However, it is our pleasure to say that all Goharbin products, made by the talented hands of Iranian craftsmen, are sold under exchange and refund guarantees at any time according to the daily market price. We believe that gems and jewels made by the Goharbin brand will never be taken for granted, and their real value will always remain.
Our goal is to increase the number of our branches in Iran and abroad and underline the fact that if you own a product made by Goharbin, you can rely on as life savings that can be cashed anytime at any Goharbin stores around the world. Thus, our different approaches toward business and win-win strategy make me profoundly proud of the fact that we have been successful in gaining the satisfaction of our customers in Iran and abroad by benefiting from the legacy and experience granted to us by our ancestors.

Dezireh Goharbin
Looking at beautifully designed jewelry gives me energy.
My name is Dezireh, and I am the youngest child and only daughter of my father, Koorosh Goharbin. I am fascinated by the art of jewelry crafting and designing. That is why, when I was a little girl, I used to enjoy playing with gems and jewels at my father’s store. After finishing my academic education, I went after learning about jewelry design, which was my passion and my dream job since childhood. I was lucky because I was talented in it and it was the best choice for me; therefore I got inspired by my family and decided to upgrade my knowledge about gems and jewels by attending courses at Gemological Institute of America.
A few decades ago, women were not involved in the jewelry industry; however, I was born in a family where my grandmother Ms. Fakhrezaman Nazari, who I am proud of, was the first woman who was actively involved in this industry next to my grandfather after finishing her education. I can proudly say that my dear mother is also successfully engaged in the jewelry industry. Today, it makes me genuinely proud to see jewels and gems crafted 70 years ago by my grandfather and ancestors, mostly because I think my family’s designed jewelry is progressively stunning for that period. Taking a glance at a piece of jewelry takes me to all the processes it undergoes from excavation to manufacture. Some gems and jewels are buried under the ground embedded inside an ore for more than a thousand years and are excavated with lots of effort. If a piece of gem or jewel is excellent enough to be cut, it is shaped and cut and offered to the market for sale. Then an expert in the field buys it and leaves it to the hands of a master designer to create a design that well fits the gem. Every stage of this process is exciting and stunning to me. I think obtaining excellence in this art requires great passion and devotion. Nowadays, most of the people who are involved in this business are concerned with financial gain. I am proud that the owners of Goharbin Brand and I are only concerned with the elevation of the art of jewelry making in Iran. We seek happiness and contentment in knowing that our customers are pleased with our products, and this pushes us to make more efforts.